%-- 03.05.07 19:48 --% vid = videoinput('winvideo',1); set(vid.source,’Brightness’,100); set(vid.source,'AnalogVideoFormat','pal_m'); previev(vid); preview(vid); set(vid.source,'AnalogVideoFormat','pal'); set(vid.source,'AnalogVideoFormat','pal_bg'); set(vid.source,'AnalogVideoFormat','pal_i'); preview(vid); set(vid,'TriggerRepeat',10); figure; start(vid); isrunning(vid) wait(vid,60) foto = getdata(vid); delete(vid); clear vid; imaqmontage(foto); whos; for i=1:576 for j=1:768 for n=2:10 foto(i,j,:,1)=foto(i,j,:,1)+foto(i,j,:,n): end end end automation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get(vid,'VideoResolution') ans = [640 480] frame = getsnapshot(vid); The dimensions of the returned data reflect the image resolution and the value of the NumberOfBands property. vid.NumberOfBands ans = 1 size(frame) ans = 480 640 MOVIE data = getdata(vid,10); size(data) ans = 480 640 1 10 ------------------------------ M_FILE vid = videoinput('winvideo',1); set(vid.source,'AnalogVideoFormat','pal_i'); set(vid,'TriggerRepeat',10); start(vid); isrunning(vid); wait(vid,60); isrunning(vid); foto = getdata(vid); delete(vid); clear vid; imaqmontage(foto); whos; for i=1:576 for j=1:768 for n=2:10 foto(i,j,:,1)=foto(i,j,:,1)+foto(i,j,:,n): end end end